I'm Dæna Westdorp

A Game Designer
in Germany

I focus on Game & UX Design.

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My Work


Unannounced RTS

Massive Scale RTS | Team of ~70 | Ongoing

This unannounced project is a massive scale RTS game in its production phase, that is currently being developed by King Art GmbH. I've been working on this project as a Game Designer since the start of 2024. [...]


Unannounced RPG

Fantasy RPG | Team of 10 | 3+ years

This unannounced project is a 3rd person fantasy RPG in its concept phase, that is currently being developed by King Art GmbH. I worked on this project as a Game Designer for 3+ years.[...]


Iron Harvest

Dieselpunk RTS | Team of ~80 | ~2 months

Iron Harvest is a classic RTS set in the alternate reality of 1920+. I worked on the live service team as a Game Design Intern for the duration of ~2 months. I assisted in the design of the ping system and created the UI mock-ups for it. Besides that, I also tested skirmish and challenge maps and provided feedback. [...]

2018 - 2019


alt.ctrl.GDC Showcase | Team of 5 | 5 months

Koo-Koo is a top-down, multiplayer, competitive game in which you control a flock of mechanical birds with the mechanism of a cuckoo clock. I worked on the game as Designer and Producer for the duration of 5 months. I was responsible for conceptualizing, and iterating on gameplay systems as well as designing and building the controllers, external communication and online publications. Koo-Koo was showcased at alt.ctrl.GDC 2019. [...]


Graduation Project

Bi-Directional Relationship System | Solo | 5 months

The goal of this project was to identify what relationship systems in RPGs currently look like and how they work. From this, a baseline was formulated, which was then used as a foundation for my concept with the help of research findings of social systems and the theory behind the formation and progression of real, human relationships. This led to the creation of a bi-directional relationship system that is closer to real-life. [...]


Single Maker

Subversive Dating Simulator | Team of 6 | 2 months

Single Maker is a subversive dating simulator for PC in which you break couples up on request of clients. I worked on the game as Game, Narrative & UX/UI Designer, and Programmer for the duration of 8 weeks. I was responsible for conceptualizing and iterating on gameplay systems, designing the UX and creating UI elements as well as narrative design, writing dialogue and programming gameplay systems. What started as a school group project turned into a solo project with outsourced art. [...]

Who I am

Designer with professional experience combining the research-heavy, human-centric field of UX Design with the high-level, holistic field of Game Design. I strive to create inclusive and compelling concepts for systems and player interaction by drawing inspiration from psychology and a game's narrative.

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